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BIRDING EASTERN SHORE SCHEDULE:   February – May 2025   2-11--25

All Field Trips are free but require pre-registration with Trip leader. Field trips generally last 2 hours unless noted otherwise. Always be prepared for ticks, mosquitoes, and variable weather conditions. Bring water.

For more information:;


March 22 Field Trip: Saturday, 8:30 a.m.

Meriwether’s Seaview, 23039 Rose Cottage Road, Melfa, VA

Explore diverse habitats protected by Virginia Eastern Shore Land Trust conservation easement. Shorebirds and a variety of passerines.                                      Leaders:  Meriwether Payne 757-710-2454

Apr.8 Program: 5:00 pm, meet and greet. 5:30 pm for program and business meeting.

Native Plants and Backyard Bird Habitat on the Eastern Shore             Shannon Alexander from Virginia Department of Wildlife Resources will discuss the Native Plants Initiative and Roberta Kellam will provide advice and information about how to attract more birds to your yard with native plants and other wildlife-friendly practices. Eastern Shore Community College, Room 148 Academic Building, 29316 Lankford Hwy, Melfa VA 23410

April 22 Activity: Tuesday, 5:00 – 7:00 p.m.

Birding on the Deck, Island House Restaurant, Wachapreague, VA

            Join us for a relaxed evening of birding and socializing while enjoying the habitat from the deck of the restaurant. No experience necessary. Dinner and/or drinks at your option.

Dinner Reservations (Optional): Island House Restaurant 757-787-4242

Apr. 30 Field Trip:Wednesday, 8:00 a.m.

TNC Nassawango Preserve, Furnace Town, east of Snow Hill, MD

Parking on Millville Road near intersection with Furnace Town Road.

Identify spring warblers and migrants of bottomland swamps

Leaders:  Maggie Long 610-500-9971 and Joette Borzik 

May 5, Field Trip: Monday 8:00 am

Bay Creek Nature Preserve; 1 Clubhouse Way, Cape Charles, VA Visit the various habitats at the Bay Creek development preserve. Leaders: Walter Childs, Maggie Long, Stan Osmolenski. Register with Walter Childs at 410-353-0703 by April 20.

May 10, Boat Trip (rain date May 11), Saturday

8:00 – 11:00 am

11:30 am – 2:30 pm

3:00 pm – 6:00 pm

Birding by Boat with Meriwether Payne, for teachers only.

Pre-registration required. Open to Northampton and Accomack County teachers only.

Contact: Captain Meriwether Payne, 757-710-2454

May 13, Activity: Tuesday, 5:00 – 7:00 pm

Birding on the Deck Island House Restaurant, Wachapreague, VA

            Join us for a relaxed evening of birding and socializing while enjoying the habitat from the deck of the restaurant. No experience necessary. Dinner and/or drinks at your option.

Dinner Reservations (Optional): Island House Restaurant 757-787-4242

May 17, Field Trip Saturday, 8:00 am

Chincoteague Island Nature Trail, 6078 Hallie Whealton Smith Drive, Chincoteague, VA

Look for warblers and other spring migrants at this local hotspot. Leaders: Helen Belencan and Gary Smith – 803-292-6883

June 21, Field Trip, 8:30 am

Nickawampus Farm, Virginia Eastern Shore Land Trust

23028 Nickawampus Farm, Melfa VA

Unique opportunity for birding on a private land trust propert. www.VESLT.orgLead by Maggie Long and Meriwether Payne.

Contact Meriwether Payne at 757-710-2454 to register.

June 18, Field Trip, Wednesday, 8:00 am

Anne Rowe’s Seaview Farm, 18119 Seaside Road, Cape Charles. Join Maggie Long and Walter Childs for a bird walk through woodlands and marsh for a variety of birds.